Bootstrap: CSS made simple

From time to time it happens that I've to realize a quick and dirty website (for my kids' school, a friend, a research group I collaborate with).

Everytime I spend some time researching the right tool and, being a programmer and not a designer, I'm especially frightened by HTML and …


Facebook comments on your site

News spreading about Google indexing Facebook comments inspired my to add them to this blog.

Many tutorials are around, but none seem to work in my case; I don't use Wordpress and the code generated by the Facebook developer page seems not to work either.

So, here it is how …


Quick and dirty backup of your Facebook statuses

For a reason that will be too long to be explained here, today I wanted to look for one of my old Facebook statuses. Even if it turned out that there are Facebook applications (mystatuses is an example) that allow you to list all of your statuses, the hacker that's …


An enum type for Jinja templates

I'm using the very nice Flask framework for a small project of mine (I'll blog about in few weeks) and started using the very handy Jinja templating engine.

At some point, I needed to have a kind of enum type in the engine, sometihng I can test with

{% if status …

Pelican to the rescue

So I have to blog, but what tool should come to the rescue? I decided to use Pelican a very nice static blog generator writte in Python.

You have to markup your text in reStructuredText, something I got used to when I decided to use Sphinx as a static web …
