Bootstrap: CSS made simple

From time to time it happens that I've to realize a quick and dirty website (for my kids' school, a friend, a research group I collaborate with).

Everytime I spend some time researching the right tool and, being a programmer and not a designer, I'm especially frightened by HTML and …


My tmux setup

A while ago I discovered tmux, a nice terminal multiplexer that I choose to adopt as a modern replacement to GNU screen. Here I don't want to begin an holy war debating which of the two is actually the best, tmux was the simply choice I made; more interesting is …


Backblaze restore and OS X unzip

I started using the Backblaze online backup (btw, check it out: unlimited backup of your internal and external disks for few bucks a month). Recently I downloaded a large restore zip and trying to list its content I got

warning []:  136677831514 extra bytes at beginning …

Commit wars

Yesterday i came across a very nice tweet pointing to the "Gource visualisation of Homebrew commits" (I'll promise to post about Homebrew soon).

The visualization is based on Gource, a wonderful OpenGL-based version control visualization tool.

I couldn't help and realized a short visualization of the LAW repository evolution over …


Pelican to the rescue

So I have to blog, but what tool should come to the rescue? I decided to use Pelican a very nice static blog generator writte in Python.

You have to markup your text in reStructuredText, something I got used to when I decided to use Sphinx as a static web …
